class UCIRawPayloadFormat extends Bundle
UCIe raw 64B format defined as a bundle. The user-defined packet fornat is: CMD: command header consisting of details about the packets (32/64 bits) Header1: Lower word of the TL header (address bits) Header2: Upper word of the TL header (other TL config bits) Data: data is a vector of UCIe data width, this carries the main data ECC: checksum/ecc code for error check/correction (64 bits) TODO: Implement this DISCLAMER: Make sure these adds up to 512 bits
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- UCIRawPayloadFormat
- Bundle
- Record
- Aggregate
- Data
- SourceInfoDoc
- NamedComponent
- HasId
- InstanceId
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new UCIRawPayloadFormat(tl: TileLinkParams, proto: ProtocolLayerParams)
Value Members
- final def :=(that: => Data)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, connectionCompileOptions: CompileOptions): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Data
- final def <>(that: => Data)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, connectionCompileOptions: CompileOptions): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Data
- macro def asTypeOf[T <: Data](that: T): T
- Definition Classes
- Data
- final macro def asUInt: UInt
- Definition Classes
- Data
- def autoSeed(name: String): UCIRawPayloadFormat.this.type
- Definition Classes
- Data → HasId
- def className: String
- Definition Classes
- Bundle → Record
- def cloneType: UCIRawPayloadFormat.this.type
- Definition Classes
- Record → Data
- val cmd: UCICmdFormat
- val data: Vec[UInt]
- def do_asTypeOf[T <: Data](that: T)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): T
- Definition Classes
- Data
- def do_asUInt(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): UInt
- Definition Classes
- Aggregate → Data
- val ecc: UInt
- final lazy val elements: SeqMap[String, Data]
- Definition Classes
- Bundle → Record
- def equals(that: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- HasId → AnyRef → Any
- def getElements: Seq[Data]
- Definition Classes
- Record → Aggregate
- final def getWidth: Int
- Definition Classes
- Data
- def hasSeed: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- HasId
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- HasId → AnyRef → Any
- val header1: UCIHeader1Format
- val header2: UCIHeader2Format
- def ignoreSeq: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Bundle
- def instanceName: String
- Definition Classes
- HasId → InstanceId
- def isLit: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Data
- final def isWidthKnown: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Data
- def litOption: Option[BigInt]
- Definition Classes
- Aggregate → Data
- def litValue: BigInt
- Definition Classes
- Aggregate → Data
- def parentModName: String
- Definition Classes
- HasId → InstanceId
- def parentPathName: String
- Definition Classes
- HasId → InstanceId
- def pathName: String
- Definition Classes
- HasId → InstanceId
- val proto: ProtocolLayerParams
- def suggestName(seed: => String): UCIRawPayloadFormat.this.type
- Definition Classes
- HasId
- val tl: TileLinkParams
- final def toAbsoluteTarget: ReferenceTarget
- Definition Classes
- NamedComponent → InstanceId
- final def toNamed: ComponentName
- Definition Classes
- NamedComponent → InstanceId
- def toPrintable: Printable
- Definition Classes
- Bundle → Record → Data
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- Record → AnyRef → Any
- final def toTarget: ReferenceTarget
- Definition Classes
- NamedComponent → InstanceId
- final def widthOption: Option[Int]
- Definition Classes
- Data