package tilelink
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- trait CanHaveTLUCIAdapter extends AnyRef
- class CreditedToDecoupledMsg[T <: Data] extends Module
- class DecoupledtoCreditedMsg[T <: Data] extends Module
- class TLBundleAUnionD extends Bundle
Class to pack A and D channels into one single bundle Total 383 bits
- case class TileLinkParams(address: BigInt, addressRange: BigInt, configAddress: BigInt, inwardQueueDepth: Int, outwardQueueDepth: Int) extends Product with Serializable
- class UCIConfigRF extends LazyModule
- class UCITLFront extends ClockSinkDomain
Main class to generate manager, client and register nodes on the tilelink diplomacy.
Main class to generate manager, client and register nodes on the tilelink diplomacy. These needs to get connected to the chipyard system. The class converts tilelink packets to UCIe Raw 64B flit. It also instantiates the protocol layer which acts as an agnostic interface to generate FDI signalling.
- class UCITLFrontFDI extends ClockSinkDomain
Main class to generate manager, client and register nodes on the tilelink diplomacy.
Main class to generate manager, client and register nodes on the tilelink diplomacy. These needs to get connected to the chipyard system. The class converts tilelink packets to UCIe Raw 64B flit. It also instantiates the protocol layer which acts as an agnostic interface to generate FDI signalling.
- case class UCITLParams(protoParams: ProtocolLayerParams, tlParams: TileLinkParams, fdiParams: FdiParams, rdiParams: RdiParams, sbParams: SidebandParams, myId: BigInt, linkTrainingParams: LinkTrainingParams, afeParams: AfeParams, laneAsyncQueueParams: AsyncQueueParams) extends Product with Serializable
- class WithUCITLAdapter extends Config
Value Members
- case object UCITLKey extends Field[Option[UCITLParams]] with Product with Serializable